Files & Links
Files and Links
Transportation Release Form
Complete all three pages and Part B for transportation with your own parent/guardian.
Any other transportation will require additional paperwork, including volunteer paperwork including finger printing and a background check for non school employees, and copies of insurance limits(see paragraph 5), license, registration and inspection certificate. There will only be allowed for emergency situations, where school transportation cannot be secured or a single extenuating circumstance.
Download PDFLinks.
Fall Sports Student/Parent Meeting
In case you were unable to attend the Parent Meeting, here is the Google Slides for those policies and procedures we went over. Please read the Athletic Handbook for all policies and procedures and please contact your coach for more information. Please go to the Big Teams Link to either start your registration process or renew the registration process if you already have an account. Please note that the Physical Exam Form Upload, The Handbook Form and the new Sway Testing Form should be updated soon for you all to complete. The Emergency Form has remained the same, but you will need to complete that yearly as well. Please be sure that all account information is completed and accurate with a box checked for each sport you plan to play for the year. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
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