
Fall Sport Registration
Fall Sport Registration
Updated on 06/10/2024

Fall Sport Registration is fully open.

  1. Please update or complete an account - Go to Athletic Info/Registration Tab for instructions.         Students build an account first, then link the parent to build their account. I recommend completion on a desktop or laptop, as cell phones are more difficult for the registration process.
  2. Be sure to complete all information in the account. Students be sure to check off each box of the sport you will participate in for the entire year.
  3. Physical Exam - If you have completed an exam in the past year, update it to the physical exam tab. Parent and Student will then “approve and finalize/sign and submit”
  4. Complete the Handbook Acknowledgement form and both must “approve and finalize/sign and submit”. Be sure to click on the handbook PDF and read through it before you can finalize it.
  5. Emergency Information Form - You must complete all information on the form before you can each “approve and finalize/sign and submit”.
  6. Sway Consent Form - Both must review the Sway Info PDF and complete the form before each can “approve and finalize/sign and submit”. All athletes must complete, even if you are not playing a contact sport. Only contact sports must complete the test.
  7. The Athletic Director or Athletic Trainer will make the final approval for the Sway Test and Physical Form.
  8. Sway Testing will take place on the following Dates and Times in the High School Gym. Please be sure to bring a charged cell phone or Tablet to complete this test. Sport programs needing the test are listed in the Sway Information. All students planning to play a contact sport during the entire year are encouraged to attend. you must complete the consent form prior to testing.  Monday, June 10th at 2:30 pm and Tuesday, June 11th at 11:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Be sure to add the App to your device prior to the test using the QR code or link below
  9.  .                                         
  10. If you have any questions the company does have a help tab or I can be reached at

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